Hugo Proof of Concept

Hooray! You can use Hugo right away.

Easy use

  1. Open!/hugo-p and select the icon at the top left - Remix Project. Copied as your project.
  2. If you have already determined the project name (subdomain), change it from the icon on the upper left.
  3. Open content /post/ and edit it.
  4. Click 👓Show. It is already done!

Use of image files, etc.

Glitch main storage capacity is 200MB, Therefore, you need to be careful:

  • Please upload images etc. to assets.
  • When changing the Hugo theme, be aware of its size. (This project is a text-based theme on purpose)

Change theme etc.

Of course you can change the theme.

  • When changing from Glitch, use Console
  • Or export to Git repository. After you edit, import it into Glitch.


Please delete baseurl. It is set automatically in glitch.json.
If you use custom domains, they need to be edited.